Full Marks: 90
Pass Marks: 27
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions





1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the question that follow:

I got into the coach. It drove away. At last, I reached London in the morning. There one of the masters of the school was waiting for me. His name was Mr. Mell. I said that I had had no breakfast.

“We will buy some food”, said Mr. Mell. “I have to visit an old lady; you may eat it at her house.”

We walked a short distance and came to some alms-houses. These are small houses built by some rich men for very poor people to live in. Mr. Mell went into one of these houses.

“My Charley!” said the woman. She was Mr. Mell’s mother. We sat down and ate breakfast. Afterwards the old woman said, “Have you got your whistle, Charley?”

He took out a whistle and began to play a very sad tune. I have never heard anyone play worse.

We went back and got into another coach. It drove away and we came at last to Blackheath.

We walked a short distance and came to a high brick wall. Over a door in this wall there was a board with SALEM HOUSE written upon it.

The door was opened by a man with a wooden leg.

“The new boy”, said the master.

Salem House was a square, sad-looking brick building. I was led into a schoolroom-the saddest and emptiest place I have ever seen. It was a long room with three long lines of desks in it. Bits of paper lay on the floor. The walls were covered with ink as if a rain of ink had come through the roof and there was strange unpleasant small in the air. For some days I was alone in the place with Mr. Mell. The boys had not come back yet from the holidays; and Mr. Creaked, the headmaster, was away at the sea. I had my meals with Mr. Mell. He wrote, and when he had finished writing he pulled out his whistle and played sad tunes on it. I read, or listened to the whistle, and cried myself to sleep when i went to bed at night in a big room with many empty beds in it.


(a) When does the speaker reach London? 1

(b) By what name does Mr. Mell’s mother call him? 1

(c) At which place do the speaker and Mr. Mell arrive at last? 1

(d) Who opens the door at Salem House? 1

(e) What are alms-houses? 2

(f) Give a brief description of Salem House. 2

(g) What did Mr. Mell do after he had finished eating with the speaker? 2

(h) Pick out words from the passage that mean the following: 1x2=2

(i) Scent

(ii) Vacation

2. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

1. Indian society is old and it is extremely complex. According to a popular estimate it has covered a span of five thousand years the period of its first known civilization. During this long period several waves of immigrants, representing different ethnic strains and linguistic families, have merged into its population to contribute to its diversity, richness, and vitality.

2. Several different levels of social evolution coexist in contemporary India: primitive hunters and food gatherers; shifting cultivators who used digging sticks and hoes (not ploughs and draft cattle); nomads of different types (breeders of goats, sheep, and cattle; itinerant traders; and artisans and craftsmen); settled agriculturists who used the plough for cultivation; artisans, and landed as aristocracies of ancient lineage. Most of the major religions of the world-Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism-are found here, and in addition there is a bewildering variety of cults and sects with different orientations in belief and ritual. In the process of its evolution, Indian society has acquired a composite culture, characterised by stable patterns of pluralism.

3. It is difficult to identify the earliest inhabitants of India. Not surprisingly, there are no written records about them because at that time writing had not been invented. The oral tradition of the people is also not of much help, for later additions and subtractions render it unreliable as a guide to history. The evidence of prehistory is more dependable, though it can rarely tell the whole story. Many of the minute details of life cannot survive the ravages of time. We now know that early human activity in India goes back to the second Inter-Glacial period, between 400,000 and 200,000 BC.


(a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make note on it and add a suitable title to it. 5

(b) Make a summary of the above passage in about 80 words. 3





3. You are the Cultural Secretary of your school/ college and planning to organize a cultural programme on the occasion of Golden Jubilee of your school/ college, in the second week of April. Write, in about 100 words, how you are going to organize it. 6


Your school/ college observed ‘Lachit Divas’ on 24th November. Many students and teachers took part in the celebration. Prepare a report on how the celebration took place. (Maximum 100 words) 6

4. Write a speech to be delivered at the morning assembly of your school/ college on the topic, The Importance of Physical Exercise’. 6


Write an article for your school/ college magazine on The importance of proper use of smart phones’.

5. You are Deepa/ Dilip. You have seen an advertisement in a regional newspaper for the post of a Manager at Kaziranga Resort, Kaziranga. Write an application to the concerned authority in response to the advertisement stating your qualification and experiences. 8


Write a letter to the Editor of The Assam Tribune drawing attention of the authorities concerned to the insufficient supply of pure drinking water in your locality. 8





6. (a) Fill in the blank with suitable determiners given in the brackets: 1/2x2=1

(i) She spent _______rupees her mother had given her. (few/ a few/ the few)

(ii) Do you have ________complaint against me? (any/ some)

(b) Rewrite the following sentences with the correct forms of the verbs given in the brackets: 1/2x2=1

(i) She (suffer) from fever since the day before yesterday.

(ii) The play (start) before we reached the stadium.

(c) Fill in the blanks with appropriate modal auxiliaries (the sense of the sentences is indicated in the brackets): 1/2x2=1

(i) You ________not steal. (Command)

(ii) I ________help you as far as possible. (Willingness)

(d) Correct the following: 1/2x2=1

(i) The cricket team returned back to India yesterday.

(ii) He took his sheeps to graze.

7. (a) Complete the following piece of conversation by choosing the correct alternatives from the brackets: 2

Ankita said to his mother, “Mother, I ______ (have/ had) finished my homework. May I go to Anju’s house?” Her mother replied, “No, you _______ (should/ would) not.” Ankita said again, “No, I _____(must/ may) see her.” Ankita’s mother replied, “In that case, you can go. But you _________ (can/ must) come back before it is dark.”

(b) Rewrite the following sentences as directed: 1x2=2

(i) I am responsible for what I do. (Make it a simple sentence)

(ii) All glittering things are not gold. (Make it a complex sentence)

8. Rearrange the words in the following to form meaningful sentences: 1x2=2

(a) began to/ the station/ cards/ the train/ when/ play/ whistled off/ we/ from.

(b) of smoke/ outside/ a ring/ there/ curling/ the kitchen/ out of/ was/ the chimney.



(Textual Questions)

9. Read any one of the stanzas given below and answer the questions that follow:

(a) And who art thou? Said I to the soft-falling shower, which, strange to tell, gave me an answer, as here translated:

I am the Poem of Earth, said the voice of the rain,

Eternal I rise impalpable out of the land and the bottomless sea,

Upward to heaven, whence, vaguely form’d, altogether changed, and yet the same,

(i) To whom does the speaker address? 1

(ii) Who says, “I am the Poem of Earth”? 1

(iii) Why is the sea called ‘bottomless’? 1

(iv) Who goes ‘Upward to heaven’? 1

(v) What is the meaning of ‘Eternal I rise impalpable’? 4


(b) When did my childhood go?

Was it the day I ceased to be eleven,

Was it the time I realized that Hell and Heaven,

Could not be found in Geography,

And therefore could not be,

Was that the day!

(i) What is the speaker asking about his childhood? 1

(ii) At what age, did the poet’s childhood go, according to the poet? 1

(iii) What cannot be found in Geography? 1

(iv) What does the poet discover about Heaven and Hell? 1

(v) Explain the main thought of the above stanza. 4

10. Answer any two of the following questions: 3x2=6

(a) What does the word ‘cardboard’ refer to in the poem, A Photograph?

(b) Why did the poet’s mother laugh at the snapshot?

(c) How is the cyclic movement of rain brought out in the poem, The Voice of the Rain?

(d) What are the functions of rain?

(e) What is the father’s problem in the poem, Father to Son?

(f) How does the father try to improve the situation of tenson and silence between the father and son?

(g) Write about the hypocrisy of the adults mentioned in the poem, Childhood.

(h) What does the expression ‘producing thoughts that were not those of other people’ mean?

11. Answer any five of the following questions: 2x5=10

(a) Give a pen picture of the narrator’s grandfather as he appeared in the portrait.

(b) Why did the narrator’s grandmother give the impression of ‘winter landscape in the mountains’?

(c) Find out the correlations of Yin and Yang in other cultures.

(d) What is lacking in Shanshui?

(e) What is propagated by the concept of sustainable development?

(f) Why is the growing population worldwide detrimental to the earth’s health?

(g) What does Verrier Elwin say about the hospitality of the Assamese people?

(h) What are Verrier Elwin’s views about Assamese women’s sense of colour?

12. (a) “It has been well said that forests precede mankind; deserts follow.” Explain. 6


(b) Write, in your own words, about the author’s life with his grandmother at their village home. 6

13. (a) Give a brief account of Ranga’s education, his views on marriage, and how he finally got married. 6


(b) Explain the cause of conflict between the history teacher and Albert. 6

14. Answer any two of the following questions in brief: 2x2=4

(a) What was Mr. Koch’s opinion about Albert?

(b) Why was Rang’s homecoming a great event?

(c) What is the name of Ranga’s village and what does the narrator say about it?









(Chapter wise Notes, Exam Question Papers solved, MCQ solved)





(Read Syllabus/ Notes, Exam Routine, Question Papers and solved)

Also Read: 

1. Indian History 


3. GK