Full Marks: 100
Pass Marks: 30
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions


1. Answer the following questions:                        1x12=12

Fill in the blanks:

a)   Name the first secondary school in Assam.

Ans:- Cotton Collegiate Government Higher Secondary School

b)   Andhra Pradesh Open University is the first Open University in India.

c)    International Women’s Day is observed on 08 March.

d)   Attention paid by students to study at the time of examination is important attention.

e)   Treatment of mental diseases is the prevention function of mental hygiene.

f)    Satisfaction and practice are basic factors in effective method teaching.

Give short answer in one sentence:

g)   Mention one characteristic which distinguishes ‘Non-formal Education’ from ‘Formal Education’.

Ans:- Informal education is planned and separated from the school system. Timetable and course can be adjustable. In contrast to theoretical formal education.

h)   Objectives of Environmental Education were determined in Belgrade Charter conference.

i)     Write a common characteristic of maturation and learning.

Ans:- Sum of Gene Effects: Maturity is the net sum of active gene effects in a self-limiting life cycle.

j)     Why recognition is easier than recall?

Ans:- It is easier to recognize than to recall because it involves more cues: all those cues spread activation to related information in memory, increase activation of the answer, and make you more likely to pick it.

k)   What is Mean? In a distribution ∑fx =1480N = 50, find out the Mean of the distribution.

Ans: - Arithmetic Mean: - It is a value obtained by adding together all the items and by dividing the total by the number of items. It is also called average. It is the most popular and widely used measure for representing the entire data by one value.


l)     Which is the positional measure of central tendency?

Ans:- The median and mode are two commonly used measures of central tendency.


2. What do you mean by ECCE?                2

Ans:- Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) is a primary school preparation. Its mission is to create a solid and comprehensive foundation for lifelong learning and overall development of the child's social, emotional, cognitive and physical needs. The ECCE has the potential to be caring, competent and responsible for future citizens.

3. What were the suggestions forwarded by Mudaliar Commission regarding ‘Development of Vocational Efficiency’ as aim of secondary education?                      2

Ans:- The commission recommended that the middle or junior secondary or senior basic level should have a duration of 3 years and the higher secondary level should have a duration of 4 years.

4. Why ‘Non-formal Education’ is considered as a supportive system of education?         2

Ans:- It is simple and flexible and can be distributed at any place convenient for the learners. It is generally designed to meet the basic learning needs of disadvantaged groups and can be availed at any age.


‘Distance Education is a flexible system of education’ – explain.

Ans:- Distance learning or long distance learning is the education of students who cannot always be physically present at school. Traditionally, this usually includes correspondence courses in which the student contacts the school via post. Today it includes online education.

5. Write two important characteristics of correspondence education.    2

Ans:- The main objectives of correspondence education are –

a)      To provide higher education for those who are deprived of formal education

b)     To provide higher education at low cost and more effectively.

6. What is Population Education?            2

Ans. Population education is an educational programme through which students and individual can acquire knowledge about the meaning and characteristics of population, causes of explosion and decline of population, consequence of the problem of population explosion etc. It gives importance on the improvement of standard of life and imparts knowledge about the impact of population explosion on individual and on the society.

7. What is conditioned response? Which was the conditioned response in Pavlov’s experiment on conditioning? 1+1=2

Ans. The theory of conditioning or conditioned response learning was given by Ivan P. Pavlov, a Russian doctor and psychologist. Conditioning means modification of the natural response. Natural stimulus results in natural response. According to the conditioned response, natural stimulus in substituted by an artificial stimulus. In this way, a new connection between artificial stimulus and natural response is created. In this way conditioning takes place.

8. Describe the two parts of ‘Law of exercise’ of learning.            1+1=2

Ans:- Law of exercise, Primary law of learning:

This rule is also called 'law of use and disuse'.

(i) Law of Use: When a variable relationship is made between a condition and a response, the strength of that relationship, other things being equal, increases.

(ii) Law of Disuse: When a long-term irreversible relationship is not formed between a condition and a response, the strength of that relationship, other things being equal, diminishes.

Secondary or Subordinate Laws of Learning:

Thorndike also gave the following secondary law:

(i) Law of primacy: 'Learning that happens in the beginning is best and lasts'. Usually we say, the first impression is the best. So students should start off right, and be most serious from day one.

(ii) Rule of Recency: 'Recent works are permanent'. We remember things that happened recently. So a student must revise their entire syllabus just before the exam.

9. ‘Forgetting is a blessing’ – explain this statement.                      2

Ans:- Forgetting is a blessing: Forgetting, though undesirable, is necessary as it helps in learning and gaining experience indirectly. Forgetting helps to remove unnecessary things from the mind and make room to keep important things. Forgetting is important for good mental health as well as memory.

10. What is ideational attention? Give an example.                        1+1=2

Ans. Attention which directs us to concentrate on an idea or thought it is termed as ideational attention. It means when attention is dependent on an individual’s personal thought, ideas, imagination etc. it is called ideational attention.


Why attention is considered as an exploratory process?         2

Ans:- Attention is basically exploratory in nature; Sometimes we run into new items. Novelty is conducive to meditation because whenever we pay attention to something new, we get to know its qualities.

Types of Attention:-

(i) Voluntary Attention: A person actively searches for information having personal relevance. Whenever attention is given it is because we want to be present, we try to do and we are present with will power, this is known as voluntary attention.

(ii) Involuntary Attention: A person is exposed to something surprising, novel, threatening, or unexpected—such as: surprise, agitation, unusual sounds, size of the stimulus, contrast effect, and color

11. Write two demerits of Mode as a measure of central tendency.        2

Ans:- Two Demerits of mode as a measure of central tendency:-

(i) Mode is not defined when there is no repetition in the data set.

(ii) Mode is not based on all values.

12. What is the preventive function of mental hygiene?               2

Ans. The functions of mental hygiene may be discussed as below –

1)     Diagnostic and curative function: Diagnostic function of mental hygiene emphasis on diagnosis of causes and sources of mental problems such as maladjustment, mental illness, mental defect, mental disturbance, abnormalities etc. of the individual.

2)     Preventive function: Mental hygiene emphasis on the prevention of mental illness, personality disorders, problem of adjustment etc. of individual. It helps to understand the causes of mental illness, personality disorders, problem of adjustment etc.

3)     Preservative function: Preservative function of mental hygiene is specially concerned with both the welfare of human life and social life or welfare of society as well.

13. What is Quartile Deviation? In a distribution Q3 = 78.43 andQ1 = 61.44. Find out the Quartile Deviation. 1+1=2









(Chapter wise Notes, Exam Question Papers solved, MCQ solved)





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