Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 24
Time: Three hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.




1. (a) Choose the correct answer from the alternatives given:         1

 I need a hundred pesos _________.

(currency of India/Spain/Latin America)

(b) State whether the following are true or false: 1+1

(i) Nelson Mandela spent twenty years in prison.

(ii) On the day of the inauguration, two national anthems were sung,

(c) The theory of Arab origin draws support from:      1

(i) The numerous tales of valour related to the sons and fathers of Coorgi homes.

(ii) The long, black coat with an embroidered waist belt worn by the Kodavus.

(iii) The traditions and religious rites which are distinct from the Hindu mainstream.

2. What happened to Lencho's fields after the hailstorm?           1

3. Where is Coorg?         1

4. What did courage mean to Mandela?        2

5. Mention the story that supports that the people of Coorg are of Greek descent.   2

6. “These aren't raindrops falling from the sky, they are new coins." Why did Lencho consider the raindrops as 'new coins?     2

7. Narrate briefly Rajvir's remarks on the discovery of tea and the legends that surround it.         2

8. What did Valli see on her way that made her laugh?          2




9. Choose from the box given below, the words that rhyme with the following:      1 x 2 = 2

feet, silent

(run, slow, violent, moves, scat, edge, city)

10. Choose the meaning of the underlined words from the alternatives given m brackets: 1 x 2 = 2

(a) He stalks in his vivid stripes. (glaring / dark / pale)

(b) In his quiet rage. (mood / violent anger / walk)

11. What could Amanda do if she were a mermaid?      1

12. How do we know that Amanda was a teenager?             1

13. Why did the poet feel more at home with animals than humans?     2

14. Why did Custard cry for a nice safe cage?        2




15. (a) How does Ausable manage to make Max believe that there is a balcony attached to his room?         5


(b) Horace Danby was a meticulous planner but still he faltered. Where did he go wrong and why? 3 + 2 = 5

16. (a) Who was Griffin? How did he become invisible? Why did Mrs. Hall find him eccentric? 1 + 2 + 2 = 5


(b) Who was Bill? How did he befool the lawyer?   1+4=5




17. Fill in the blanks with the right determiners:      1 x 2 = 2

Please give me _________time to finish the work. Then I will take you to ________university

18. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions from the choices given in the brackets:  1 x 2 = 2

(a) Health is preferable _________wealth. (than, for, to)

(b) He is angry _______his naughty sister. (at, with, upon)

19. Use the appropriate form of tenses of the verbs given in the brackets:   1 x 2 = 2

(a) The bell rang after we (finish) our work.

(b) Please ring me up as soon as he (come).

20. Change the form of narration of the following:      1 x 2 = 2

(a) “What a beautiful building !", he said.

(b) She proposed that we should go for a walk.

21. Change the voice of the following sentences:        1 x 2 = 2

(a) We were surprised at his conduct.

(b) Why did your father refuse such an honourable job?

22. Combine the following pairs of sentences into a single sentence:                 1 x 2 = 2

(a) I have lost the pen. You gave it to me.

(b) Health is very important. It must not be neglected.

23. Choose the correct alternatives from the choices given in the brackets.    1

The Brahmaputra has changed its _________(coarse/course)


Sankardeva was an ________scholar. (eminent/imminent)

24. Make sentences to show the use of any two of the following phrases:   1 x 2 = 2

in order to, all in all, now and then, at large

25. Correct the errors in the following sentences: (any two)          1x 2 = 2

(a) I don't know to do it.

(b) It is you who is to be blamed.

(c) He told me that his brother is writing that letter.

(d) He asked me where do I live.


Give the substance of the following passage:      5

There are books which are really no books at all, and to read which is mere waste of time; while there are others so bad that we cannot read them without great harm. It is no doubt good to be warned against temptations and dangers of life; but anything that familiarizes us with evil is in itself an evil. So also there are others which one can read without being the better of them. By useful literature we do not mean only what will help a man in his business or profession. That is useful no doubt, but by no means the highest use of books. The best books raise us into a region of selfless thought where the troubles and anxieties of the world are almost forgotten.

27. Answer either (a) or (b):       6

(a) Write an essay on either of the following topics in about 150 words:

(i) Kaziranga National Park

(ii) A journey by bus

(b) Write a story in about 150 words using the outline given below. Also add a title to it. The lion, king of beasts - kills many animals -all animals terrified - hold a meeting - decide to send one animal 10 the lion everyday - lion agrees - the turn of the hare - arrives late - tells there is another lion in the forest - wanted to seize and kill him - hare takes the lion to a deep well – the lion sees his reflection - thinks there is another lion in the well - jumps in.

28. Answer either (a) or (b):           5

(a) Write a letter to the Editor of a local English newspaper abo shedding in the evening in your locality.

(b) A food relief work was done by students of your school. Write a report for your local daily using the information given below:

 - Date and time of work

 - How the place was reached

 - Number of students taking part

 - Number of people affected

 - Relief materials distributed

 - Conclusion

29. (a) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

The great advantage of early rising is that one can start one's work long before others. The early riser has done a large amount of hard work before other men have got out of bed. Early in the morning the mind is fresh and no sounds or noises disturb our attention. The work done at that time is generally well done. Also one finds time to take some exercise in the fresh morning air. Exercise supplies him with a good deal of energy that enables him to work hard until the evening. By beginning so early, he knows that he has plenty of time to do his work thoroughly. He does not have to hurry over any part of his work. He gets to sleep long before midnight. At that time sleep is most refreshing. After a night's sound rest, he rises early next morning in good health ready for the labour of a new day.

(i) What advantages does an early riser have over others?   1

(ii) Why should one take exercise in the morning and begin one's work so early?  2

(iii) What are the uses of going to sleep long before midnight?   2

(b) Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Over many days and months Valli listened carefully to conversations between her neighbours and people who regularly used the bus and she also asked a few discreet questions here and there. This way she picked up various small details about the bus journey. The town was six miles from her village. The fare was thirty paise one way - "which is almost nothing at all", she heard one well-dressed man say, but to Valli, who scarcely saw that much money from one month to the next, it seemed a fortune. The trip to the town took forty-five minutes. On reaching town, if she stayed in her seat and paid another thirty paise, she could return home on the same bus. This meant that she could take the one-o'clock afternoon bus, reach the town at one forty-five, and be back home by about two forty-five.

On and on went her thoughts as she calculated and recalculated, planned and replanned.

(i) What did Valli find out about the bus journey? How did she find out these details? 1 + 2 = 3

(ii) What do you think Valli was planning to do?     2




Also Read: 

1. Indian History 


3. GK