Basically, concise writing is the most important part of anything. In other words, in concise writing, we have to bring out the main ideas of a paragraph and formulate it in our own words in simple and correct English.

How to write a Substance?

Ans:- Some things should be remembered while writing any material. They are as follows:

(i) Read the given paragraph carefully until you understand the content.

(ii) Find the important points in the passage and rearrange them in their proper order.

(iii) Put the main ideas in one paragraph.

(iv) Always use third person and direct form of narration.

(v) Try to avoid the phrases and idioms used in the passage as far as possible.

(vi) Avoid repetition.

(vii) Be careful to avoid grammatical mistakes.

(viii) Take care that there are no spelling mistakes.

(ix) Make sure that you have not left out any important point.


Examples of Substance Writing

I am going to provide here some most important examples of Substance Writing frequently asked in the HSLC Examinations.


[HSLC EXAM - 2000]

1. Early rising leads to health and happiness. The man who rises late, can have a little rest in course of the day. Anyone who lies on bed late is compelled to work till a late hour in the evening. He has to go without the evening exercise which is so necessary for his health. In spite of all his effort his work will not produce as good results as that of the early riser. The reason for this is that he cannot take advantage of the refreshing hours of the morning. Some people say that the quiet hour of midnight is the best time for working. Several great thinkers say that they can write best only when they burn the midnight oil. Yet it is true to say that few men have a clear brain at midnight, when the body needs rest and sleep. Those who work at that time soon ruin their health. Bad health must, in the long run have a bad effect on the quality of their work.

Ans:- Waking up early gives us health and happiness. A late riser loses the freshness of the morning. They have to work till late evening and miss evening exercise. Many great thinkers believe that they can write best at midnight. Working at night degrades the quality of work and a person's health as it is a time of rest for the body and mind.

[HSLC EXAM - 2015]

2. There are books which are really no books at all, and to read which is mere waste of time; while there are others so bad that we cannot read them without great harm. It is no doubt good to be warned against temptations and dangers of life; but anything that familiarizes us with evil is in itself an evil. So also there are others which one can read without being the better of them. By useful literature we do not mean only what will help a man in his business or profession. That is useful no doubt, but by no means the highest use of books. The best books rise up us into a region of selfless thought where the troubles and anxieties of the world are almost forgotten.

Ans:- There are many types of worlds in this world. But all this is not good. Some books mislead people. Those books are harmful for us. Therefore, we should read only selected good books. We should not waste our time by reading all kinds of books. Good books take us to the realm of selfless thoughts, making us forget our troubles and worries.

[HSLC EXAM - 2016]

3. It is very difficult to get rid of bad habits. So, one should be very careful that one does not form bad habits during the early years of life. Idleness is one of such bad habits. Every boy and girl should be diligent. They should avoid idleness like poison. Some of them love to remain in bed long after daybreak and get out of bed most unwillingly. Even after that they waste time over trifles and spend as little time as they can in reading. As a result, they cannot learn much as they should. What is worse, they become so accustomed to such a bad habit that they cannot shake it off – even with their greatest efforts. This bad habit then holds them hard in its coils like a large snake.

Ans:- Bad habits are like enemies of our life. Laziness is a bad habit. Bad habits ruin our lives. Therefore, we should be careful from the very beginning of life. We shouldn't waste our time on anything worse than this.' We should avoid laziness like poison. Otherwise we do not learn as much as we should. If we do not give up our bad habits in the early stages of life then it is very difficult to get rid of them. Then this bad habit strangles us tightly like a big snake.

[HSLC EXAM - 2013]

4. The great advantage of early rising is the good start it gives us in our day’s work. The early riser does a large amount of hard work before others get up. In the early morning the mind remains fresh, and there are few sounds or other distractions, so that the work done at that time is generally well done. In many case the early riser also finds time to take some exercise in the fresh morning air, and such exercise supplies him with a lot of energy that lasts till evening. By beginning the day so early, he knows that he has plenty of time to do thoroughly all the works he can be expected to do, and is not tempted to hurry on any part of it. All his work being finished in good time, he has a long interval of rest in the evening before he goes to bed.

Ans:- There is an English proverb, "Early to sleep and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise." This means that an early riser does many things before others get up. In the morning the mind remains fresh and health remains healthy. An early riser gets time to exercise in the fresh air. Starting the day so early allows him to do the work that is expected of him.

5. Write a substance for the following:

It is easy to acquire bad habit, such as eating too much food or eating too many sweets or drinking too much fluid of any kind or smoking. The more we do a thing, the more we tend to like doing it; and if we do not continue to do it, we feel unhappy. This is called the force of habit and the force of habit should be fought against. Things which may be very good when only done from time to time, tend to become harmful when done too often, too much. This applies even to such good things as work or rest. Some people form a habit of working too much and others of idling too much. The wise man always remembers that this is true about himself, and he checks if he has any bad habit. He says to himself, "I am now becoming idle" or "I smoke too much", and then he adds, "I will get myself out of this bad habit at once."

Ans:- It's easy to fall into bad habits. Things that can be very good if done occasionally, can be harmful if done too often or too much. This also applies to nice things like work or leisure. Some people have the habit of working too much and some people have the habit of being idle too much. The wise man always remembers that this is true for himself, and he checks whether he has any bad habits.




(Read Syllabus/ Exam Routine, Notes, Question Papers and solved)

Also Read: 

1. Indian History 


3. GK