Full Marks: 100
Pass Marks: 30
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions




1. Answer any ten of the following questions: 1/2x10=5

(a) What does ‘jiffy’ mean?

(b) What does ‘popover’ stand for?

(c) What is Gusev?

(d) But I am _______. (Fill in the blank)

(e) What is Virgil?

(f) What is ghooral?

(g) What is the meaning of ‘vanity’?

(h) I never give the wall to a ________. (Fill in the blank)

(i) Who was Perkins?

(j) Write the full form of RT.

(k) Who says, ‘Operation successful’?

(l) What is a satchel?

2. Answer any six of the following questions: 1x6=6

(a) Who is the suitor of the story, The Suitor and Paper?

(b) Who asked for a stag party?

(c) How many daughters did Kondrashkin have?

(d) Which is the hardest part of schooling, according to G. B. Shaw?

(e) Which boots were not divided into rights and lefts?

(f) Does the scholar who knows everything exist?

(g) How do the villagers plough the narrow fields?

(h) How did the tiger kill his first victim?

(i) What items are sold by the bania in his stall?

(j) What is the name of the vehicle mentioned in the story, How it Happened?

(k) How many sharp curves did Claystall Hill have?

(l) What, according to Gardiner, are the liberties to preserve?

(m) Which bird did the captive think of?

3. Answer any six of the following questions: 2x6=12

(a) Why did Kondrashkin fear that Pyotr might be sent to Siberia?

(b) Why did Kondrashkin call Pyotr dishonest?

(c) What is G. B. Shaw’s opinion on ‘routine’?

(d) Why is da Vinci’s notebook considered ‘funny’?

(e) Describe the dress of a high-caste hill woman.

(f) How do the inhabitants of Kumaon villages get news of the outside world?

(g) What was whirring like a high wind?

(h) What is the food offered to the captive in the headman’s house?

4. Answer any four of the following questions: 3x4=12

(a) Why did Dr. Fituyev refuse to give Pyotr the certificate he wanted?

(b) Why does G. B. Shaw call himself ‘an educated man?

(c) About what does Corbett caution his imagined readers?

(d) Why did the narrator feel that he was ‘like a man in a dream’?

(e) What is bio-piracy? How does it affect a country?

5. Answer any two of the following questions: 5x2=10

(a) Why did Pyotr decide to adopt ‘Hamlet’s device’ and why did he fail in this venture?

(b) How does G. B. Shaw argue that a routine, supposed to suit everybody, actually suits nobody?

(c) Describe the two instances when the villagers display bravery and courage.

(d) What prompts A. G. Gardiner to heap praises on the bus conductor?

(e) Why was the narrator amazed to know the actual status of Stanley?

(f) Write about the journey undertaken by the captive and the young man.





6. Answer any eight of the following questions: ½ x8=4

(a) A free bird ________. (Fill in the blank)

(b) Where was Maya Angelou born?

(c) Name the poetic autobiography written by Wordsworth.

(d) Where was the speaker on that Spring day?

(e) What kind of sound did the speaker hear?

(f) What is the meaning of ‘mercy’?

(g) Who wrote the poem, The Divine Image?

(h) Where Mercy, Love, and Pity ________. (Fill in the blank)

(i) Who is seen as God’s child and care?

(j) What does ‘oft’ stand for?

(k) What does ‘ere’ stand for?

(l) To what does the poet compare his friends?

7. Answer any seven of the following questions: 1x7=7

(a) What is the meaning of ‘downstream’?

(b) What is a trade wind?

(c) Where does the free bird dip its wings?

(d) Who is the writer of the poem, Lines Written in Early Spring?

(e) What is periwinkle?

(f) What kind of thoughts overpowered the sweet mood of the speaker?

(g) What kind of man prays to the human form ‘divine’?

(h) Pick out one fond memory from the poem, The Light of Other Days.

(i) What does the poet remember before falling asleep?

(j) Whom does the poet see as leaves falling in ‘wintry weather’?

8. Answer any three of the following questions: 2x3=6

(a) Why does the caged bird sing ‘a fearful trill’?

(b) What does the phrase ‘grave of dreams’ mean?

(c) What is the significance of the primrose tufts and periwinkle in the poem, Lines Written in Early Spring?

(d) What did the budding twigs do?

(e) Name the different human forms represented by ‘virtues of delight’.

(f) Why does the poet feel like ‘one who treads along’?

(g) What happens to the poet ‘in the stilly night’?

9. Answer any one of the following questions: 3

(a) Describe the helplessness of the caged bird.

(b) What is Wordsworth’s belief regarding Nature’s holy plan?

(c) What is the significance of the expression ‘In Heathen, Turk, or Jew’?

(d) Briefly describe the banquet hall.

10. Answer any one of the following questions: 5

(a) Compare and contrast the conditions of the caged bird and the free bird.

(b) What are the reasons behind Wordsworth’s lamentations?

(c) Bring out the central idea of the poem, The Divine Image by William Blake.

(d) How does Thomas Moore portray the theme of friendship in The Light of Other Days?



(Grammar and Composition)


11. Make sentences with any two pairs of words to illustrate the difference in meanings between them: 2x2=4







12. Identify five nouns and five adjectives in the sentences given below: ½ x10=5

People of every country, whether of England, or France, or Germany, or Italy, or India think that their country is the best and the greatest. This is a wrong notion; because, like individuals, every country has some positive and some negative qualities. We must take the good from others. Our country is poor and its people are sad. By following the healthy practices of other countries, we can help the backward people and make our country happier and better.

13. Fill in the blanks of any five of the following (sentences with conditional clause) with correct tense forms: 1x5=5

(a) She might catch the bus, if she _____(run) fast.

(b) If you _______(inform) me, I would have reached the station.

(c) Unless they _____(request) me, I shall not go.

(d) If I _______(be) you, I would not seek his help.

(e) In case you ________(see) Sudha, give her this book.

(f) Unless she ______(mend) her ways, she will suffer.

(g) If I _______(be) a bird, I would fly there.

(g) I wish I _______(can) play football better.

(i) Millions of people _______(die), if they do not receive the aid now.

14. Write a precis of the following passage and add an appropriate title to it: 6

Village life has many charms. There is the peasant rising with the morning star glittering in the sky and turning his bullocks and buffaloes out to graze before sunrise. After sunrise they are taken to the fields to plough. Watch the peasant’s wife milking her cows or grinding her corn! Hear the lambs bleating, and the birds chirping! How fine the fields look! While the peasant in his fields is working all day in sun or rain, as if he plays on the lap of Mother Earth. Notice the housewives of the village with pots on their heads going to the village wells and thence bring water for their homes, all walking with slow, steady steps, in groups, talking to one another as they walk, while the pots stand piled overhead, firm like a column rooted in earth. Also see the group of villagers sitting in a temple or shop or village office in the evening and having their small talks about things in general. It is true that there is a great deal to be done for our villages by way of education, sanitation, and other modern methods of health and happiness.





15. Answer any three of the following questions: 1x3=3

(a) What is the name of the mother of Sheila Birling?

(b) What is the name of the Inspector?

(c) Where does the investigation take place?

(d) Who is Edna?

(e) Who had taken the name of Daisy Renton?

(f) Who is the Chairperson of the Brumley Charity organization?

16. Answer any one of the following questions: 2

(a) What is the initial reaction of Mr. Birling to the manner of the Inspector’s questioning?

(b) Why does the Inspector not show the photograph to all the people at the same time?

(c) Can Eva Smith be seen as a victim of personal and professional exploitation?

17. Answer any one of the following questions: 5

(a) Write about the nature of the relationship between Eva and Mrs. Birling.

(b) How did Mr. Birling deal with the issue of pay hike demanded by his employees?

(c) Write why Sheila feels that she has been let down by her family.









(Chapter wise Notes, Exam Question Papers solved, MCQ solved)





(Read Syllabus/ Notes, Exam Routine, Question Papers and solved)

Also Read: 

1. Indian History 


3. GK